Here's to the girl dads.
The dads who drive with a backseat full of baby dolls in toy car seats
The dads that work hard just to spend a week's paycheck on a prom dress
The dads who give standing ovations at all of the talent shows, the dance recitals, the softball games, and concerts in the living room
The dads who coach the soccer games, teach them to drive, and eat the cookies that didn't turn out quite right
The dads who "don't dance" but all of a sudden do when it's time for the Daddy Daughter Dance
The dads deal with the house full of loud teenage girls as they blast the music from the newest boy band
The dads who attend the tea parties, stand in line for two hours to meet Cinderella and hold the hands when crossing the street
The dads that make sure the oil changes are done, give the advice, and always answer their phone calls
The dads who watch the princess movies, put together the doll houses, and wipe the tears off of tiny faces
The dads that always give their honest opinions… even when they may not want to hear it
The dads who fight the scary monsters under the beds and would do anything to make them laugh
The dads that mend the broken hearts, buy the flowers and start the cars before they leave on cold, winter mornings
The dads who eventually become the best grandpas
The dads who have their little girls wrapped around their fingers knowing that no matter how old their daughters get, they will still be their pride + joy
The dads who make sure that their daughters know their worth and never settle for anything less in life
Here's to the girl dads.